Pupil Leadership
Pupil Leadership
What is Pupil Leadership
The term pupil leadership refers to education principles and practices that reflect the importance of providing children with the opportunities and support to play a role in making the decisions that affect them. The principles of effective pupil leadership include:
*Recognising that learners have logical perspectives and opinions on issues that matter in the classroom, in the school, and in the community.
*Giving learners an active role in influencing decisions about these issues as well as in the implementation of these decisions.
*Enabling learners to participate as active young citizens.
What does Pupil Leadership look like at Warren Mead?
Across both Warren Mead Schools, we want our learners to play an active and positive role in all aspects of school life. We believe that all children should be given the opportunity to lead an initiative or hold a position of responsibility that impacts the school as a whole, so we offer a wide range of leadership roles, including:
*Pupil Parliament
*Playtime Pals
*Head Boy and Head Girl
*House Captains
Pupil Parliament:
Autumn term update 2022
Pupil voice in schools means a whole-school commitment to listening to the views, wishes and experiences of all children and young people. It means placing value on what children and young people tell school staff about their experiences. Our Pupil Parliament has been busy this term ensuring that this is the case across the whole school. The children have shown themselves to be confident at discussing ideas and brimming full of exciting new ideas and opinions.
School Pupil Parliament representatives were democratically elected to represent each class in the school council. Children were invited to write a short speech on the qualities that they had that would make them ideal to represent their class at school council and then the children voted for their representatives. Together the school council share and represent thoughts ideas and issues concerning their class and the wider school community. They are proactive at developing school initiatives and play a vital role in decision making process of changes.
Last term in our Pupil Parliament we focused on feeling safe in school.
The Members set and then asked the wider school community some questions to find out what their points of view were on key ideas.
Where do you feel safe in school?
“We feel safe everywhere and especially around our teachers.”
“We feel safe in the classroom and like the calm down corner as it makes us feel safe (KS1)”
“We feel safe in school in the playground, under the shelter and in our classrooms but the trim trail could feel safer as it is quite old”
How do we stay safe in school?
“We are kind and we have rules like ready, respectful and safe”
“We wash our hands”
“We have our teachers and adults who help us stay safe and look after us, they listen”
“The adults wear lanyards, blue to show they are safe”
Who can you go to if you feel unsafe?
“teachers and adults”
“The office, they look after us if we are hurt”
“Our friends”
How are your voices heard in school?
“Pupil parliament”
“Worry Monsters/boxes”
“The teachers always listen to us”
How do we look after our mental well-being in school?
“We play together, running and having fun and help our friends”
“Our teachers will talk to us about things and problems.”
“Achieving things and getting superstars”
At Warren Mead Junior School, our Year 6 Prefects help our lunchtimes run smoothly and are excellent role models. They run clubs for year groups across both schools and work closely with different year groups to ensure that all children are enjoying their lunch time.
Playtime Pals
Playtime Pals was initiated by our wonderful MPs who found that children at both schools felt they’d sometimes like some extra support on the playground. Playtime Pals support peers who aren’t sure what to play or who to play with, give positive reminders of our school rules (Ready, Respectful, Safe) and are trained to have restorative conversations when minor friendship issues take place. Sometimes they’re just available as a friendly face if they spot someone feeling blue. Our Playtime Pals regularly communicate with staff if they have any queries or concerns.
Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl
At Warren Mead, a Head Boy and Head Girl, along with a Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl are elected by the Leadership Team and Year 6 staff. These four Year 6 children are ambassadors of the schools; they demonstrate our rules and values on a daily basis. Their roles include: helping to set up and lead assemblies; showing visitors around school; taking active roles as MPs in our Pupil Parliament; writing and making changes to policies (such as our Anti Bullying policy) and lots more! They regularly meet with the Executive Leadership team and their current project is looking at our lunchtime provision and transforming the playground - watch this space!
House Captains
At Warren Mead Schools, we have four ‘houses’. Each House has two, Year 6 House Captains. House Captains are responsible for leading and arranging fund-raising events, sports activities and more. Most recently, they organised a whole schools event for Children in Need! They organised for every class to take part in a dance workout, a mufti celebration and raised a huge total for charity; they even ended the day with a whole school dance on the playground!