Our uniform supplier is Price & Buckland, an on-line store and orders are made via
their website:
There is no requirement for you to buy all uniform specifically from our supplier as most items can be purchased from local stores. Generic items such as trousers, skirts, dresses, shorts and polo shirts can be purchased widely from any high street/online retailer.
However, Price & Buckland are the only place you are able to purchase uniform with the school logo, ie jumper, cardigan, PE tops (see coding P&B below).
Please contact the School Office for details of our second-hand uniform provision.
Warren Mead Uniform |
Summer (optional) |
Tailored skirt/pinafore - dark grey. Plain style dark grey tailored trousers. |
Royal blue and white checked dress. Grey knee length tailored shorts or culottes. **Shorts of a shorter length are not permitted.** |
Royal blue ‘v’ necked pullover or cardigan - with school logo (P&B) |
Lower School (up to including Year 3) - pale blue polo shirt - school logo optional. Upper School (Years 4,5,6) - Pale blue revere blouse or shirt, buttoned with tie. |
School tie (P&B) |
Plain flat black school shoes. **Ballerina pumps, open toe sandals, trainers or fabric shoes are not permitted.** |
Grey tights. Dark grey/black socks. |
White socks to be worn with a summer dress. |
Fleece - can be worn at any time. | |
Dark coloured winter coat. |
P.E. Kit |
Plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms - no logos. |
Blue sports top with school logo (P&B) |
Blue Sports Hoodie with school logo (P&B) |
Dark/white plain trainers. Spare socks. **Plimsolls are not required.** |
Please click here to see our EYFS Uniform requirements.
Additional information to note:
All items must be named.
An art overall is also required.
Should your child wear hijab or religious headwear, this needs to be in grey.
Sunglasses are not permitted unless they are prescription sunglasses.
Jewellery, Make-up, Hair
For Health and Safety reasons, no jewellery is permitted, except a watch and small silver/gold stud earrings. These remain your child’s responsibility.
Points to note:
Earrings must be plain silver/gold studs, no hoops. They must not contain gemstones.
Earrings must be removed before a P.E. lesson. Please provide a named box for storage. If a child is unable to remove their earrings, they will not be permitted to take part in a P.E. lesson.
Ear piercing should only be done at the beginning of the summer holidays, to allow time to heal.
Nail varnish, tattoos and make-up are not allowed. If worn, children will be asked to remove it.
Hair of shoulder length or longer must be tied back with a plain white or blue hairband. Hair slides, ribbons, etc., should be discreet, blue, or white without decoration.
There should be no unnecessary accessories, colourants, excessive gels or designs ‘cut’ into the hair.